Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Year's Eve Vigil - Countdown, Fireworks Display and Fellowship after Mass

There will be a countdown and fireworks display followed by fellowship after the 10.30pm New Year's Eve Vigil Mass on Saturday 31st December 2011.

The Hospitality Ministry have been asked to help with the following:
a) to keep the parking lots clear for the fireworks display and
b) help with serving the refreshments during the fellowship

Saturday, December 3, 2011

PJ District Penitential Service, December 8, 2011 @ SIC

Help is needed at the PJ District Penitential Service at SIC @ 7.30pm on Thursday December 8, 2011

All HMs, please be there to help if you can.

If there is anyone who can arrive early and take charge as the HM Leader, please inform Erwin

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Collection @ Masses for All Saints Day (Day of Obligation)

All Saints Day is a Day of Obligation and there will be one (1) collection at each of the Masses and volunteer HM Leaders are required as follows:

Monday 30th October 2011
(Vigil Mass - All Saints Day liturgy)
8.00pm Mass
Leader: Erwin

Tuesday 1st November 2011
6.30am Mass
Leader: Agatha

Tuesday 1st November 2011
1.00pm Mass
Leader: Need volunteer

Tuesday 1st November 2011
8.00pm Mandarin Mass
Taken care of by Mandarin HM

Any HM leader/s who can make it for Mass at 1.00pm on Tuesday 01/11/11, please inform Erwin ASAP.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 29th & 30th October 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses during the weekend of Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th October 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 1st & 2nd October 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses on the weekend of Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd October 2011 for the St Vincent De Paul Society.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

SIC Hospitality Ministry - Calling New Volunteers

Double click on the article above to enlarge

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Patron Saint of Hospitality Ministers

Double click on the article above to enlarge

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Collection @ Masses for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Day of Obligation)

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Day of Obligation and there will be one (1) collection at each of the Masses and volunteer HM Leaders are required as follows:

Sunday 14th August 2011
(Additional Vigil Mass for the day @ Assumption Day liturgy)
9.00pm Mass
Leader: Erwin

Monday 15th August 2011
6.45am Mass
Leader: Agatha

Monday 15th August 2011
1.00pm Mass
Leader: Need volunteer

Monday 15th August 2011
8.00pm Mandarin Mass
Taken care of by Mandarin HM

Any HM leader/s who can make it for Mass at 6.45am and 1.00pm on Monday 15/08/11, please inform Erwin ASAP.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 30th & 31st July 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses on Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st July 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

The 8.45am Mass on Sunday 31st July 2011 will be sponsored by JYM/Youth

Sunday School Fire Drill briefing on Sunday 31st July 2011 at 12.00pm

There will be a Sunday School Fire Drill briefing on Sunday 31st July 2011 at 12.00pm in Room 2-6 of the Constantini Community Center (SIC Training Center).

There are almost 900 children registered for Sunday School in SIC.

It will be good if all Hospitality Ministers can attend the briefing to be aware of what to do and help out in an emergency.

Parish Feast Day Celebrations - Thursday 28/07/11 to Saturday 30/07/11

Some of our HM leaders have already signed up as volunteers at the Parish Feast Day.

However, we still need volunteers for the following:

1) volunteer their services to lead the HM at the Masses
a) no collection on Thursday 28/07/11
b) one collection on Friday 29/07/11
c) 2nd collection for AOHD Migrants on Saturday 30/07/11 evening and all Sunday 31/07/11 usual Masses

2) "man/jaga" the Hospitality Ministry information/recruitment booth on Saturday July 30, 2011
i.e. The Hospitality Ministry have been invited to set up an Information Booth/Counter for the purpose of disseminating information on the activities of the Hospitality Ministry as well as to do recruitment and attract new members/volunteers.

3) help to serve the food during the fellowship after Mass on all 3 days

4) help in any of the activities/programs on Saturday July 30, 2011 morning

Please contact Erwin if there is anyone who can help out on any of the dates and areas mentioned.

The program for this year's Parish Feast Day is as follows:

Thursday July 28, 2011 and Friday July 29, 2011
5.00pm - 7.30pm = Rosary/Divine Office/Movie Screening
7.30pm - 8.00pm = Break
8.00pm = Talk
9.00pm = Mass
10.00pm Fellowship

Saturday July 30, 2011
8.00am - 2.30pm = Games, Food Stalls, Treasure Hunt, Train Ride, Information Booths/Counters
6.00pm = Mass
7.30pm = Fellowship

Friday, July 8, 2011

Bible Sunday - Sponsored Mass on Sunday 10/07/2011 8.45am

The Catechetical Ministry will be sponsoring the 8.45am Mass on Bible Sunday, July10, 2011.

The HM has been requested to assist in giving out bookmarks after all weekend Masses on July 9 & 10, 2011

Thanks and God bless.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Petaling Jaya City Day Mass

The Petaling Jaya City Day Mass will be celebrated in St. Ignatius Church at 8.00pm on Monday July 4, 2011.

There will be NO collection but the HM is required to select an offetory couple and to monitor communion as there may be many non-Catholics in attendance.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Corpus Christi Procession - 6.00pm Mass Sunday June 26, 2011

There will be a (Corpus Christi) procession after the 6pm Mass this coming Sunday June 26, 2011.

In addition to monitoring the procession, the Hospitality Ministry have been requested to set up the Altars at the 4 stations on the procession route.

The set up of the altars will involve moving some (perhaps 4) tables from the Sunday School classrooms and the platforms at the foyer on the 2nd floor of the training center to the various stations (a trolley will be available). We intend to carry out the moving and setting up after the Sunday School and Mandarin Mass on Sunday at around 2pm.

Help will also be needed to return the tables and platforms to the Sunday School classrooms and training center 2nd floor foyer after the procession.

If anyone is available to assist, please let Erwin know. We need a few strong women and men.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Security at all Masses

Due to some recent thefts and robberies occurring in some parishes (during as well as before and after Mass) in PJ including our SIC, kindly be vigilant and pay attention to anyone you feel is behaving abnormally. Left behind or unattended handbags or bags are easy targets and therefore, please keep an eye on any that you come across. This is a 2nd reminder. Thanks and God bless.

Error in Church Bulletin 28-29th May 2011

There is a typographical error in the 28-29th May 2011 church bulletin announcement as follows:

Please be informed that there will be a special collection during the Sat, 4 & Sun, 5 Jun weekend Masses. Your contribution will be sent to the Archdiocese. Please support generously.

The "SECOND" should read as SPECIAL.

Hence, there will only be ONE (1) collection for each Mass this coming weekend of 4-5th June 2011.

The contribution will be sent to the Archdiocese for World Communications Day

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Masses for Pre Ascension Day 01/06/2011 and Ascension Day 02/06/2011

The following are the leaders for the Ascension Day Masses, but we still need a volunteer to lead the 1.00pm Mass on 02/06/11:

Wednesday 1st June 2011
8.00pm - Erwin

Thursday 2nd June 2011
6.30am - Paul
1.00pm - Alex Tegjeu and Sasi

There will be collection (single collection each mass) at all the masses mentioned above.

However, there will be no welcoming of 1st time visitors.

Rosary at the Grotto - Tuesday May 31, 2011

The details of the Rosary at the Grotto are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Time: Procession starts at 6.00pm followed by Mass
Route: Procession is around the church building only (not passing through Training Centre)
Offertory: There will be 1 collection
HM Tasks: Collection, Communion & Monitor Procession

Any HM leader/s who can make it on Tuesday 31/05/2011 evening, please contact Erwin ASAP.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 28th & 29th May 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

The 8.45am Mass on Sunday 29th May 2011 will be sponsored by JYM/Youth

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thank You and Best Wishes to Sister Rachel

On behalf of all our HM Brother and Sisters and all parishioners of St. Ignatius Church, we wish to express our deepest and most profound gratitude to our Sister Rachel, the Sunday 6.45am Mass HM Leader for her most dedicated service, support and assistance rendered over the years. Sister Rachel will be moving back to her home parish, St. Thomas More Church and although we shall miss her, we would like to wish her, her family, all the HM, their families and all parishioners of St Thomas More church every blessing of the Lord

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Collection on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday

There will be one collection at each of the following:

  1. Maundy Thursday 21/04/2011, Bilingual Mass at 8pm, Collection for the Holy Land

  2. Good Friday 22/04/2011, Liturgy of the word in English at 2pm and 4.30pm, Liturgy of the word in Mandarin at 8pm, Collection for the CCD Vocation Fund

Easter Vigil at 10.30pm on Saturday April 23, 2011

The following are some notes for the Easter Vigil on Saturday April 23, 2011 at 10.30pm.

  • i) No candles are allowed upstairs for safety reasons (There were some parishioners who lighted their candles upstairs during the 6.45am Mass on Easter Sunday. They somehow escaped detection.Therefore, the 6.45am Mass Team, please take note).

  • ii) Children are NOT allowed to hold candles (due to wax being dropped all over the floor/pews and the lack of volunteers to clean/remove the wax afterwards).

  • iii) A sufficient amount of plastic chairs will placed inside the church (on Saturday morning) and NO extra plastic chairs will be allowed into the church before or during mass.

  • As usual, the HM dress code shall be light (preferably white) colored shirt/blouse/dress and dark (preferably black) colored pants/skirt.

  • Our Brother Brian Bok shall be the Chief for the Easter Vigil Mass.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cleaning of Palms - Saturday April 16, 2011

As per tradition, the Hospitality Ministry have been requested to clean the palms for Palm Sunday. The cleaning of the palms will take place on Saturday April 16, 2011 and volunteers, please be at SIC (garden/sitting area behind the training center next to the funeral parlour) at 8.30am. The palms will be cleaned using a brush and a wet cloth, which we kindly request that all volunteers bring one each from home. Long palms need to be cut into 2 or 3 smaller pieces and therefore, please bring along a large scissors and gloves if possible. All HMs are urged to assist because we need as much help as we can get.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Collection - CDD 80th Anniversary Mass @ 8pm on Thursday 31/03/2011

There will be one collection during the CDD 80th Anniversary Mass on Thursday March 31, 2011 at 8.00pm for the CDD Vocation Fund, Hope to see you all there.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Updated HM Duty Roster

PJ District Penitential Service, Thursday March 24, 2011 in SIC

Help is needed at the PJ District Penitential Service in SIC at 7.30pm on Thursday March 24, 2011,

All HMs, please be there to help if you can.

If there is anyone who can arrive early and take charge as the HM Leader, please inform Erwin

God bless.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Calendar Cards 2011

The SIC Calendar Cards 2011, to be given to Newcomers during Welcoming are now ready and available in the HM pigeon hole in front of the church office. Only limited quantity is available. Please give sparingly. What we have will need to last us the whole of 2011!

Removable/Mobile "Reserved for the elderly" signage

Leviticus 19:32 ..... Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.

We have made 4pcs of removable/mobile "Reserved for the elderly" signage. A photograph of how it is hung at the edge of the church pew is shown below.

The reasons for the removable signage are:
1) The back pews may be occupied by younger parishioners when the church is not full (eg. during weekday masses or when there are few elderly parishioners in the congregation).
2) It gives us flexibility to reserve pews for the elderly at other locations as and when necessary.

For the time being, only the centre pews on the last row at the back of the church is to be reserved for the elderly. 2 photographs showing the location at which the signs are to be hung is shown below.

The decision as to whether to reserve the pews for the elderly is in the hands of the HM Leader for that particular Mass. However, after Mass, please return (keep back) the signage to the usual drawer.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chinese New Year Mass 10.30am 3rd February 2011

The following are the HM duties during the 10.30am Chinese New Year Day Mass on 3rd February 2011:

a) There will be NO collection.

b) HMs (English & Mandarin) will be required to monitor communion.

c) Fr. Lucas, Fr. Anthony & Fr. Phillip Tan will be giving out Ang Pows after Mass at 3 stations, (i.e 2 in front of the altar and 1 in front of the tabernacle). HMs are required to maintain orderly traffic flow of the congregation and ensure that the parishioners don't rush.

d) The Communion Ministers will be giving out the oranges (2 per parishioner) after Mass at 6 stations (i.e. 1 at each of the 2 side doors on the left and right doors of the church building and 2 at the main door). HMs are required to maintain orderly traffic flow of the congregation/parishioners.

e) Parking lots directly in front of the main church building will be cordoned off for the Lion Dance and setting off of the Firecrackers. The Firecrackers are sponsored by the SIC Hospitality Ministry. HMs are required to ensure that there is enough space for the lion dance and to keep the congregation/parishioners from crowding around the area and a safe distance away from the firecrackers.

Hope to see many of you at the Chinese New Year Day Mass and thanks in advance for the assistance.

We wish all our HM Brother and Sisters and their families a Very Blessed, Wonderful, Fulfilling, Fantastic, Fabulous, Fun, Prosperous and Happy Chinese New Year. Xin Nien Kwai Ler and God bless.

Friday, January 28, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 29th & 30th January 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses this coming weekend of Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th January 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"1 Parishioner 1 Ringgit" Brick Collection

The after Mass "1 Parishioner 1 Ringgit" collection (for the decorative floor bricks around the outside of the church) on the weekend of 15th/16th January 2011 amounted to approximately RM9K.

An estimated RM25K will be needed to replace all the decorative floor bricks around the church.

Many thanks to all HMs for their help after Mass.

A big Thank You to Brother Jason and Sister Grace

You may have noticed that the Green/Purple sashes have been without "odour" over the past weeks.

It is a bit belated but many thanks to Jason and Grace Yap for helping out with the laundry again.

May God bless them and their family.