Friday, February 19, 2010

BEC Sponsored Mass 2010

The following is an updated list of BEC Sponsored Masses. The list can also be found on the notice board in front of the church.

Calendar Cards 2010

The SIC Calendar Cards 2010, to be given to Newcomers during Welcoming are now ready and available in the HM pigeon hole in front of the church office. Only limited quantity is available. Please give sparingly. What we have will need to last us the whole of 2010!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lay Leaders Retreat

The details for the next Lay Leaders Retreat is as follows:

Date: Sat 13/03/10 to Sun 14/03/10
Venue: Port Dickson
Cost: RM75.00 (total cost is RM150.00 but 50% subsidy by the church)

Please inform Erwin ASAP if you wish to attend

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ash Wednesday 17/02/2010

A few notes for the Ash Wednesday Masses
  • There will be NO collection
  • HMs to standby for communion only
  • Imposition of ashes after the final blessing
  • Mass times: 6.30am, 1.00pm & 6.00pm

Formation for Liturgical Group

The next formation for the Liturgical Group is as follows:

Topic: Lent & Holy Week
Speaker: Fr. Leonard Lexson
Date: 27/02/2010
Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Place: 1st Floor Training Centre
Closing Date for registration: 20/01/2010

All participants are to confirm their attendance by 20/02/2010 so that food can be catered. Those who register and don't turn up will be charged a penalty of RM10.00.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Duty Roster 2010

The following is the 1st Draft of the HM Leaders Duty Roster (subject to confirmation) and it will be updated regularly. Please check for updates and changes on the church notice board and here in the Blog. If there are any changes to be made to the schedule, please contact Erwin. Thanks and God Bless.

Write Up for SIC Website

We have submitted the following write up for our page on the SIC Website:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

SIC Hospitality Ministry Coordinating Team

Following the meeting on Saturday February 6, 2009, we are pleased to introduce to you the SIC Hospitality Ministry Coordinating Team as follows:

Coordinator: Erwin Ho
Mentor & recruitment: Vincent Yee
Advisor: Anthony Au
Training: Raymond Yeap
Finance: Faustina Kam
Outreach: Shawn Menon