Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rosary @ the Grotto - Monday May 31, 2010

The details of the Rosary at the Grotto are as follows:

Date: Monday, May 31, 2010
Time: Procession starts at 6.00pm followed by Mass
Route: Procession is around the church building only (not passing through Training Centre)
Liturgy: Weekday Mass, No collection
HM Tasks: Communion & Monitor Procession

Any HM leader/s who can make it on Monday 31/05/2010 evening, please let Erwin know ASAP.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Next Clean The Grotto Session - Saturday 29th May 2010, 8.30am

May is the Month of the Rosary and it will end with the ROSARY AT THE GROTTO in SIC on Monday 31st May 2010 at the 6.00pm evening Mass.

Therefore, we are proposing another CLEAN THE GROTTO session on Saturday 29th May 2010 starting 8.30am.

Of late, quite a lot of silt seem to be accumulating at the bottom of the pond. If there is anyone out there whom is a drainage engineer or is well versed with aquarium maintenance, please offer help and advice on how we can clear out the silt.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Updated HM Duty Roster

We extend a very warm welcome to our young sisters Jennifer and Lyn whom have volunteered to serve as HM Leaders for the 9.00am mass every 1st Sunday of the month. Let us lend them our fullest support.

Our updated Duty Roster is as follows:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Masses for Pre Ascension Day 12/05/2010 and Ascension Day 13/05/2010 - Updated

The following are the HM leaders for the Pre Ascension and Ascension Day Masses:

Wednesday 12th May 2010
7.30pm - Anthony Francis

Thursday 13th May 2010
6.30am - Agatha Chang, John Breneman, Alexander
1.00pm - Zoe Lo, Ken Cham
6.00pm - Francis Khoo

There will be collection (single collection each mass) at all the masses mentioned above.

However, there will be no welcoming of 1st time visitors.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Marian Congress 2010 - Update

The HM of SIC have been invited to assist at the upcoming Marian Congress on 15th and 16th May 2010 at Wisma MCA KL, 8.00am - 7.00pm.

If you have registered as a participant for the Congress, please notify Erwin as soon as possible because we will need volunteers to assist in collections and holy communion during the masses at the Congress on both days.