Saturday, September 25, 2010

2nd Collection @ Masses on 2nd & 3rd October 2010

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses on the weekend of Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd October 2010 for the St. Vincent De Paul Society.

The St. Vincent De Paul Society will require support from the wardens for the following:

1) Distribution of phamplets before mass
2) 2nd collection
3) Distribution of donuts after mass

Changes in Mass Times

Just a gentle reminder on the changes in Sunday morning Mass times starting from 3rd October 2010 as follows:

Sunday 7.00am Mass to be moved to 6.45pm

Sunday 9.00am Mass to be moved to 8.45pm

Sunday 11.00am (Mandarin) Mass to be moved to 11.15pm

Evening Masses for Saturday and Sunday remains at 6pm