Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Year's Eve Vigil - Countdown, Fireworks Display and Fellowship after Mass

There will be a countdown and fireworks display followed by fellowship after the 10.30pm New Year's Eve Vigil Mass on Friday 31st December 2010.

The Hospitality Ministry have been asked to help with the following:

a) to keep the parking lots clear for the fireworks display and,

b) at least 4 HMs are needed to help with serving the refreshments during the fellowship.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Eve Vigil Mass 2010

Just a gentle reminder to all HMs on duty for the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 11pm (cantata to start at 10.30pm) that no extra plastic chairs are allowed into the church (air-condition areas) other than those already in place.
We shall arrange the required no. of chairs to be brought into the church on Christmas Eve morning and thereafter, to avoid congestion, no additional plastic chairs will be allowed in.

The HM dress code for the vigil is white (light colored) shirt/blouse/dress and black (dark colored) pants/skirt.

Thanks and God Bless

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thank You and Best Wishes to Brother Benjamin

On behalf of all the HM Brothers and Sisters, especially the Saturday Sunset Mass Team, we wish to express our deepest thanks and gratitude to our brother Benjamin Siew for the service and support he has given us over the years.

Brother Benjamin has moved to Australia with his family and we wish him every blessing and success.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Clean the Grotto Session - Saturday 18th December 2010

In preparation for Christmas, the next Clean the Grotto session will be held on Saturday 18th December 2010, starting at 8.15am.

It will also be a "gotong royong" day for all BECs to clean and decorate the church for Christmas, which will make it a very lively and fun occasion for everyone.