Sunday, May 29, 2011

Masses for Pre Ascension Day 01/06/2011 and Ascension Day 02/06/2011

The following are the leaders for the Ascension Day Masses, but we still need a volunteer to lead the 1.00pm Mass on 02/06/11:

Wednesday 1st June 2011
8.00pm - Erwin

Thursday 2nd June 2011
6.30am - Paul
1.00pm - Alex Tegjeu and Sasi

There will be collection (single collection each mass) at all the masses mentioned above.

However, there will be no welcoming of 1st time visitors.

Rosary at the Grotto - Tuesday May 31, 2011

The details of the Rosary at the Grotto are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Time: Procession starts at 6.00pm followed by Mass
Route: Procession is around the church building only (not passing through Training Centre)
Offertory: There will be 1 collection
HM Tasks: Collection, Communion & Monitor Procession

Any HM leader/s who can make it on Tuesday 31/05/2011 evening, please contact Erwin ASAP.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 28th & 29th May 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses on Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

The 8.45am Mass on Sunday 29th May 2011 will be sponsored by JYM/Youth

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thank You and Best Wishes to Sister Rachel

On behalf of all our HM Brother and Sisters and all parishioners of St. Ignatius Church, we wish to express our deepest and most profound gratitude to our Sister Rachel, the Sunday 6.45am Mass HM Leader for her most dedicated service, support and assistance rendered over the years. Sister Rachel will be moving back to her home parish, St. Thomas More Church and although we shall miss her, we would like to wish her, her family, all the HM, their families and all parishioners of St Thomas More church every blessing of the Lord