Sunday, October 23, 2011

Collection @ Masses for All Saints Day (Day of Obligation)

All Saints Day is a Day of Obligation and there will be one (1) collection at each of the Masses and volunteer HM Leaders are required as follows:

Monday 30th October 2011
(Vigil Mass - All Saints Day liturgy)
8.00pm Mass
Leader: Erwin

Tuesday 1st November 2011
6.30am Mass
Leader: Agatha

Tuesday 1st November 2011
1.00pm Mass
Leader: Need volunteer

Tuesday 1st November 2011
8.00pm Mandarin Mass
Taken care of by Mandarin HM

Any HM leader/s who can make it for Mass at 1.00pm on Tuesday 01/11/11, please inform Erwin ASAP.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

2nd Collection at all Masses on 29th & 30th October 2011

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses during the weekend of Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th October 2011 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).