Sunday, January 22, 2012

2nd Collection at all Masses on 28th & 29th January 2012

There will be a Second Collection at ALL Masses during the weekend of Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th January 2012 for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD).

2nd Collections at weekend Masses for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD) are held on months where there is a 5th week for the month.

The schedule for the next 2nd collection at weekend Masses for the Migrant Ministry under the Archdiocese Office of Human Development (AOHD) is as follows:

  • April 28th -29th 2012

  • July 28th- 29th 2012

  • September 29th - 30th 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Chief Coordinator and Deputy Chief Coordinator


to our new

Chief Coordinator: Raymond Yeap


Deputy Chief Coordinator: Desmond Varo