a) HM leaders, kindly remind the wardens (at least try) to collect from the following:
i) Communion Ministers
ii) Commentator
iii) Pews behind altar servers
iv) Choir
v) Person in charge of projection
In short, don't leave out anyone except the Celebrant and Altar Servers!
b) Agreement have been received for the last pew where the HM sashes are kept and the last pew before the table for the host, water and wine, can be reserved for the elderly during the WEEKEND and any special occasion masses. They should be free for all during the weekday masses. Therefore, the HM will need to design a mobile/removable "FOR THE ELDERLY ONLY" signage to be placed on the pews. Please let us have your ideas and suggestion on how we should design/produce the removable/mobile signage.
c) Warden Sashes
Our Brother Jason and Sister Grace have very kindly assisted to have the gold and red sashes washed and ironed. We are very grateful and thank the Lord for their service. We have made on order for about 50pcs of new green/purple sashes, but time will be needed to get them done.